*Dangbo... Dingbo... Rambo!*
1. Like the rooster, rivers do not make the same sound all over the world.
What sound do two rivers in Bhutan make?
The noise of a steam train.
The noise of a steam train.
(In Dzongkha, a "chu" is a "river".
So, two rivers are "chu, chu".
Just think of the River Avon (river, river))
So, two rivers are "chu, chu".
Just think of the River Avon (river, river))
2. Gesundheit!
A sneeze in Bhutan lasts 1 1/2 as long
when people are cold.
when people are cold.
(In Dzongkha, " aah chu chu" means "cold")
*_* In Bhutanese folktales, every story begins with the words:
"Dangbo..o..o Dingbo..o..o";
the latter chasing after the former throughout the passage of time.
They represent the existence of stories,
for as long as Dingbo never catches Dangbo, there will always be stories.
Although, Ivan Drago may say, "if he catches him, he catches him."
But then again, look at what happened to him.